Sunday, July 13, 2008

Memory Tag

1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. I can't wait to see what people remember.


Cori Henderson said...

I remember loving to go to your house cause all we would do is eat. I remember getting cups of ice with pickles. I also remember riding around Hidden Oaks on your golf cart. How fun. We always did the funnest things at your house. I also remember eating lots of candy.

Cori Henderson said...

I also remember how much Ovaltine we would drink!

Tami said...

Hi my friend Julie!! I didn't know you ever checked your blog! I am seriously still laughing at remember that funny day. I had totally forgotten all about that. It's even more funny because I have looked at the scar on my forehead and couldnt for the life of me remember where it came from.
Ok so I remember so many thing's with you. I probably could go on for day's. It just makes me miss those day's when we were best friends and we hung out like all the time. Remember tanning on your deck and I alway's thought it was so cool that you colected the milk pictures, ya know!
Anyway's the real memory I was thinking of was when we toilett papered Miles Kendall and I thought it was so cool that your mom didn't care. She just told us to tell her when we got back.
I also remember everything cori said and I used to think it was so funny when Amber would come over cuz you would get so bugged cuz she would just open your candy drawer and eat out of it all the time. You had the funnest house to hang out at! Remember you would always get so scared to go home at night cuz didn't you have to walk around to the back or something? ok sorry for the novel .. I just love ya

Trisha said...

Okay, I have way way too many memories of you girl! We were a bit out of control together. Anytime I see anyone do the kissy face, it totally reminds me of you. Every picture I think we took in high school we are making the kissy face. We had lots of laughs and giggles, and lots of times we cried to eachother over some silly boy or something. Oh I miss all that, now we only get to see eachother a couple times a year. Still Love you!

Trisha said...

Oh and YAAY for a new blog post!

jami said...

I am so glad you found my blog. Now we can keep in touch. I have so many memories of you. But the one thing I remember the most is how much you love your chapstick. Plus all those crazy cheer days.

Burnhams said...

Julie-- I am glad that we have re-connected thanks to the blogging world. I love it. Your boys are so cute!

Okay, so I have SO many funny memories of you, especially from cheer, and you getting so mad at Senora and David Lewis. haha. Cheer was so fun. But one funny memory I have is when me, you, Lisa and Amber drove to St. George for the baseball tournament. We were racing some random guys on the freeway and Amber's car broke down. We had to get towed back home, but it didn't stop us from leaving the next morning. haha. Great road trip.

Trisha said...

Ha,I just read your story about being in Park City! sounds like a fun getaway! And yes, I do remember that little incident on Heritage Tours. Seriously how hard is it to pop a bag of popcorn?? I remember being so MAD because I really wanted popcorn!

Mandi said...

Julie, Blake and I had fun looking at your blog and seeing what you've been up to. It's interesting to see where everyone is ending up and what they are doing. as for memories. . . .

I remember in 9th, no 8th grade when you tried out for the cheerleading squad and became our head cheerleader. . . and we were intimidated by you because you were the "new hot girl from AF." but then we went swimming together and all was well :) good times!

Cori Henderson said...

Hey Julie! Time for a new post! When do you want me to take some pics of you and your adorable fam!?

Last day of Preschool and first broken finger!

Last day of Preschool and first broken finger!